A warm welcome from the Team of UK TRE Certification Trainers! We are registered and certified by TRE for All, the global body for TRE, and are members of the TRE Association UK.
If you are training to become a TRE Provider in the UK, please make sure your Certification Trainer is listed here. A short biography, and the website for each Trainer is detailed below. You can check out our websites or contact us for further information on our Trainings, CPD courses and more.
Cheda Mikic
Cheda is a Naturopath, Craniosacral therapist and TRE Trainer. He has been working and teaching in the field of Complementary medicine for nearly 30 years. He started practicing TRE 13 years ago and fell in love with its transformative power that has changed his life, personally and professionally.
The unique ability of TRE is to help release excess tension, stress and trauma from your body and helps you to reconnect with the disconnected parts of yourself in a direct, simple and profound way.
Cheda’s role in the TRE® UK Association is as a director of education. He is committed to continuous professional development of our lovely TRE community in the UK and Internationally. Cheda offers advanced trainings and CPD credits, including specialised workshops, such as Diaphragm, Psoas and Pelvis, and Fascia LABS; Body Reading, TRE Interventions, Brain development and Primitive Reflexes, and 8 Developmental Stages and TRE.
Deborah Brown
Deborah is a TRE Certification Trainer, Mentor and TRE Provider. Her passion is to support people in safely connecting with their bodies with a gentle pace and a loving kindness. Specialising in trauma work, she integrates somatic and movement practices to empower others to develop safety, resilience, balance and healing by meeting and exploring their system’s inherent wisdom and health.
Deborah is touched to be working with others to connect with their innate healing potential and exploring taking TRE into new fields.
She runs Certification trainings with Train TRE both in person, in Brighton, and Online and offer supervision both one to one and groups for trainees and Providers. Advanced trainings and CPD credits include workshops in TRE Interventions (including touch and online), Movement and TRE, and Following the Body.
Kate Munden
Kate is an Integrative Therapist with over 35 years experience, specialising in trauma and narcissistic emotional abuse recovery: “Sometimes there are no words for how we feel. If we can let the body guide us, we have an opportunity to transform old, stuck patterns without being stuck in painful stories”.
Kate is a TRE® Certification Trainer & Mentor and delivers training and CPD courses in the UK and online. Kate has found TRE to be life changing both on her own journey and observes profound transformation daily with her clients. Kate hopes that similar transformation can be safely and effectively delivered to UK students/clients and that TRE® Association UK upholds the highest standards for TRE® Training and Education in the UK.
Ole Ry
Ole Ry has been a medical doctor, psychiatrist, and psychotherapist for almost 50 years. He is a Certified TRE Trainer, Certified Facilitator of Holotropic Breathwork, Transpersonal Psychology, and of Grof Legacy Training, as well as being a Certified Gestalt sychotherapist.
As a psychiatrist he is seriously inspired by RD Laing and the concept of the Therapeutic Community. Besides his own clinical practice, Ole has been running various training programs internationally for many years.
He now lives and works between Copenhagen, Denmark, and Findhorn, an intentional community, eco-village and learning centre in the north of Scotland.
Steph Hodgson
Steph’s background is in Emergency Nursing, where she worked as a Nurse Practitioner and learnt about managing every kind of stress, trauma, illness, and every type of response to these situations. She trained in Craniosacral Therapy after experiencing the work while looking after a friend with cancer, and observing the profound effect it had on the whole family.
She specialises in working with trauma, particularly early trauma, and works with groups, adults, families, babies, during pregnancy, and preconception – helping to prepare clients for the important journey of bringing a child into this world. Meeting each person and their situation with presence and groundedness helps them to settle their nervous systems, and then they can begin to relax and heal in their body and mind.
Steph feels blessed to live in a small community in North Oxfordshire, where they grow their own food on a small-holding next to the canal.
Steve Haines
Steve is a bodyworker and author who is deeply interested in pain, trauma, anxiety and touch. He teaches and travels all over the world with his main projects being in London, Switzerland, Ireland and Scandinavia.
There are two main strands to his teaching: helping therapists developing expertise in touch and presence via Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, and, promoting TRE as a simple, but powerful self-regulation tool.
Vicki Cook
TRE Scotland is here to support the spread of Trauma and Tension Release Exercises -TRE – throughout Scotland and North West of England. But people from anywhere in the world attend our Trainings/workshops and certify with us as Providers.
In 2012 Vicki introduced TRE® to Glasgow, Edinburgh and the Borders. Since then she has taught one-to-one sessions, regular groups and led workshops throughout Scotland. And trained TRE® Providers who live and work in Scotland and internationally.
Vicki and the rest of the Scottish Team ‘work and play’ as a conscious, compassionate group supporting each other with their own personal journeys and professional development.
Vicki is a Certification Trainer and enjoys training Trainees in this embodied healing modality. She is an Embodiment Coach and since 2005 has been supporting people in their journey to health and happiness. Her Coaching background has given her the essential skills and experience to teach TRE in person or via Zoom. Lots more information at our website.