Select Plan* Associate Member - £35Requirements: Someone who has an interest in or is passionate about the work but not a provider Qualified but not currently practising – e.g. on sabbatical Registered/trained with another body outside of the UK Student Member - £35Requirements: Someone on the TRE Provider Process, in supervision within the UK and training with a UK trainer Membership includes general membership Optional yet strongly recommended after Module 1 Professional Member - £50Requirements: For TRE Providers, Trainee Mentor, Mentor, Trainer Trainees Insurance required A commitment to 8 hours ongoing CPD per year, this may include supervision. To be self declared on renewal Must be resident in UK and have trained with UK Trainer Certified UK Trainer - £100Requirements: Those offering TRE in the UK and who have trained with UK Trainer Where a provider has trained outside of the UK, they are welcome to join the community where trained under TRE for All (David Berceli) To adhere to TRE Association UK standards, we ask that a minimum of one online supervision session with a UK trainer is a prerequisite of membership * Please note that membership is not automatically guaranteed Next »